Sunday, May 16, 2010

ESPN3 and Dog Math

The beauty of Time Warner is never-ending. Turns out that ESPN has something called where they stream live sports, including baseball and the NBA. It's free. Sounds like a good way for me to see at least some of the live games I have missed. can only get it if your internet provider is a "participating" provider. The list of these providers is pretty extensive. As you might guess, TW is not on the list. Of course not.

We did purchase an antenna for our upstairs TV today, so that's an additional $14 spent because of our cable cancellation. That brings the total to $42, well worth the one-time investment for network channels in HD. Dan moved in with us today for the summer (see Amber's 365 day blog), and we watched the Blackhawks game and the Celtics-Magic game on the TV, and the Cubs game on our computer at the same time. As Borat might say, "I like!!!"

So I will explain the picture below, which is typical around our house. We get rawhides for the dogs now and then, usually when we want to keep them occupied for a bit. Two dogs, two rawhides. If you always hated math, let me explain it to you (I was a math minor) -- that's one rawhide per dog. So we give one to Neko and Dora, then they run into the living room with them. They drop the rawhides (which we call cigars, because they carry the rawhides sticking straight out of their mouths, like cigars), Dora inspects both and then picks the one she likes. She chews. Neko decides she wants the one that Dora has, but she is not assertive enough to take it. So she lays there. And pouts. The other cigar is not good enough for Neko, apparently, because Dora doesn't want it. And the other cigar just sits there until Dora finishes the first, then moves on to the second, which Neko now wants but can't have because Dora grabbed it. So she lays there. And pouts. So the final tally: Dora 2 cigars, Neko 0.

They are also weird about their food. Again, two dogs, two dog bowls. So they do what makes sense...they both eat out of one, at the same time, and when that bowl is done they both move to the other. Maybe Amber and I should try this at a restaurant...sit on the same side of the table, eat one meal, then move on to the other side and eat the other meal. I might like that, but much like Neko I think Amber would be forced to sit there and pout. Oh well.

Here is a classic Neko-Dora-cigar scenario in our house:

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1 comment:

  1. That is great, I could see the dog math scene play out in my mind as I read the post. 1+1 = 2+0.

    Sitting in Fiji at our less than spectacular housing at the bottling plant (now that we don't rent the villas anymore), bored out of my gourd. Thanks for the bit of entertainment. Now I need to go find something to do...
